Inclusion Policy
The Sign Dance Collective Group :
Signdance Collective UK
Sign Dance Collective EU
& Signdance Europe.
1. Introduction
Established in 1987, 2001,2020, and 2022,
Sign Dance Collective Group is a group of Signdance Theatre touring and production
Companies and a European Association. They are based in UK & Croatia and tour internationally.
2. Aims and understanding
The Sign Dance Group recognizes that we live in a society where discrimination still operates to the disadvantage of many groups. We understand discrimination as acting unfairly against an individual or group by exclusion, verbal comment, denigration, failure to appreciate needs, or the assumption of such conditions without consultation.
The SDC Group is committed to a policy of equal opportunities that informs and guides all aspects of our work and seeks to enshrine equality of opportunity for all staff (existing and prospective), contractors, artists, workshop participants, and partners into our working practices.
This Policy aims to ensure that no one experiences less favorable treatment or lack of opportunities and that no person or group is disadvantaged.
3. Implementation and practices
This Policy applies to casting, recruitment, training, pay, conditions of work, and every aspect of employment.
All members of staff, artists, contractors, practitioners, workshop participants, and workshop leaders will be treated fairly. They will not be discriminated against on any of the above grounds, or any other settings which cannot be shown to be justifiable within the context of this Policy.
We shall promote a positive and harmonious working environment where all people are treated with respect and where unlawful direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, and victimization is prevented and challenged.

Photos SDC Next Generation 2022 Broken City Wall Street 2017